Friday 29 April 2011


So I dont believe in God so much but I do believe in a 'higher power'. My beliefs swing alot more towards the pagan religion than anything else. Most of the time I don't even think about things like God but there are definately times when I think someone or something must be out there having a good old laugh at me and doing things on purpose just to annoy me. Maybe karma really does exist.

I don't think I have previously mentioned that I got engaged last November. Anyway, ever since then things keep happens, needing a new dining room table, washing machine breaking, new washing machine breaking, washing machine fitters breaking piping under sink, telephones breaking and now leaking pipes in our bathroom. Argh so annoying. We are meant to be saving up for a day that we can barely afford anyway and all we keep having to do is spend our money on boring crap. Groan groan groan groan groan.

Its weird, an hour ago I was thinking 'oh I havent had a bath since last night I really should have one. Im too tired i'll have one in the morning' and bang, pipe goes. Now im suddenly aware of the fact that its been 24 hours since I have washed. Im very paranois that I stink. I have a bit of an issue with personal hygiene and being relaxed enough to not HAVE to have at least one bath today was rather good for me. I can't have sex without washing before and afterwards, even if I had a bath ten minutes before hand, I have to go have another wash. My boyfriend - sorry fiance - must wonder what on earth im doing.

Anyway, I want a wash.

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